Sacred Jewelry


Therese creates meaningful jewelry using “Entelechy” Symbolism as well as archetypal symbols and power animals as an “Anchor” for your full potential coming forth… Anchor in the seeds of who you are becoming by wearing your own meaningful symbol in the form of a beautiful piece of Garner Archetypal Jewelry, Garner Sacred Entelechy Jewelry or a Garner Power Animal piece or why not use combination of all of them! 


With intuitive sensitivity, Therese creates sacred entelechy jewelry by using symbols representing an individual's full potential that has blossomed into reality. 

 A creator at heart, Therese had a vision of using symbols in designing unique jewelry to anchor in archetypal energies that align with our soulful self. 

The Entelechy…

Drawing inspiration from ancient concepts Therese was further inspired by Aristotle who thought of our entelechy as our soul, our enlightened self that is encoded with our highest destiny, inner strength, and purpose for being that directs us to become all that we are capable of being. This is the part of us that's connected to all that is - what we know as God, the Universe or the Quantum Field. Our entelechy holds the seeds for our highest potential to actualize.

Deep within each of us lies the seeds of our soul's potential waiting to be realized. Aligning with our North Star, our soul's true calling, allows us to live authentically and fully. 

Each piece represents the manifestation of one's fullest potential.  

Creating a visual symbol, wearable as jewelry, serves as a powerful reminder of our identity and journey towards self-actualization, akin to programming a destination into our internal guidance system


Archetypes, recognized as potent influences in modern psychology, are universal patterns stemming from the collective unconscious. These fundamental human motivations and values manifest in stories, myths, and art across cultures and time periods, allowing us to identify with specific characteristics.

Think of archetypes as costumes in a wardrobe, each representing different aspects of our personality or traits we wish to express. Our choice of archetypes reflects how we present ourselves to the world, with preferences shifting based on circumstances, mood ect 

Being aware of the archetypal energies we resonate with empowers us to consciously align our souls with those energies through our conscious intention in order to steer the course of our lives in the direction of our heart and souls desire. Utilizing archetypal symbols aligned with our soul can be a profound method for achieving inner alignment.  Therese naturally focuses on symbols from nature and the Divine Feminine.  She also uses symbols from ancient myths to represent characteristics for accentuation…such as Artemis who is connected with nature, as well as being strong, loyal, brave, encouraging, daring, witty, independent, also having perfect aim with the bow and arrow, and the ability to heal herself and others. 


It's fascinating how power animals can serve as symbolic anchors in shamanic traditions, reflecting both the instinctual capacities of a species and the archetypal embodiment of traits…

Nature indeed holds boundless wisdom, and observing animals can offer profound insights for personal growth and evolution. Connecting with animal symbolism through jewelry can be a potent way to honor and internalize these archetypal energies…Just like the caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly, and the acorn is destined to become an oak tree…we too have the potential for becoming what we were destined for.  However, many times we need reminders to align us with our true purpose, along with the right conditions to live life full out and become all that we were destined for… 

Wearing jewelry representing an aspect of nature like a power animal, can serve as a constant reminder of the wisdom they offer and the journey of self-actualization we're on.

The elephant is a symbol of power, stability, endurance, longevity, intelligence– Elephant energy helps unlock inner courage while providing security during difficult times

Therese has created the Bee Vibrant ring to connect us to our spirituality, creativity and longevity as well as bring more awareness to our most important pollinators… our honey bees.

Therese draws inspiration from ancient chants and symbols, animal-themed pieces as well as symbols based on planetary energies as a way to discover and amplify the power of beneficial energies within ourselves. 


Archetypes, recognized as potent influences in modern psychology, are universal patterns stemming from the collective unconscious. These fundamental human motivations and values manifest in stories, myths, and art across cultures and time periods, allowing us to identify with specific characteristics.

Think of archetypes as costumes in a wardrobe, each representing different aspects of our personality or traits we wish to express. Our choice of archetypes reflects how we present ourselves to the world, with preferences shifting based on circumstances, mood ect 

Being aware of the archetypal energies we resonate with empowers us to consciously align our souls with those energies through our conscious intention in order to steer the course of our lives in the direction of our heart and souls desire. Utilizing archetypal symbols aligned with our soul can be a profound method for achieving inner alignment.  Therese naturally focuses on symbols from nature and the Divine Feminine.  She also uses symbols from ancient myths to represent characteristics for accentuation…such as Artemis who is connected with nature, as well as being strong, loyal, brave, encouraging, daring, witty, independent, also having perfect aim with the bow and arrow, and the ability to heal herself and others. 

Therese fulfills her artistic expression when creating personalized pieces of jewelry with intention, which symbolize her client's greater destiny already manifested.


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